Real Estate Funding - Best NJ Lenders for Non Owner Occupied Loans

Real Estate Funding Solutions: Your Premier Non QM Lender for Competitive Mortgage Rates

Real estate investors are always on the lookout for financing options that align with their investment goals and financial strategies. Non QM (Non-Qualified Mortgage) lenders have emerged as a valuable resource for investors seeking flexibility in their mortgage solutions. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of non-QM lending and explore how Real Estate Funding Solutions can serve as your premier non QM lender, providing competitive mortgage rates and personalized financing options to help you achieve your real estate investment dreams.

Understanding Non QM Lenders

Non QM lenders are financial institutions that offer mortgage loans to borrowers who don’t meet the traditional, stringent criteria required by conventional lenders. These loans do not conform to the guidelines set by government-sponsored entities like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Instead, non QM lenders assess borrowers and their financial situations on a case-by-case basis, allowing for more flexible lending terms.

Key Features of Non-QM Loans:

Flexible Qualification Criteria: Non QM lenders consider a broader range of factors when evaluating borrowers, making it easier for those with unique financial situations to secure a mortgage.

Unique Financing Solutions: Non-QM loans cater to a variety of scenarios, including self-employed individuals, real estate investors, and those with credit issues or irregular income streams.

Competitive Mortgage Rates: While non QM loans often come with slightly higher interest rates than traditional mortgages, they offer competitive rates compared to other alternative lending options.

Customized Loan Terms: Non-QM lenders work closely with borrowers to design mortgage terms that meet their specific needs, whether they are looking to buy and hold properties, fix and flip, or invest in multifamily units.

Why Real Estate Investors Choose Non-QM Lenders

Investment Opportunities: Real estate investors often require financing solutions that provide quick access to capital, allowing them to seize opportunities in a competitive market. Non QM lenders can offer faster approval and funding processes, ensuring that investors don’t miss out on profitable deals.

Credit and Income Flexibility: Investors may have complex financial situations that traditional lenders struggle to accommodate. Non QM lenders take into account alternative income sources, such as rental income or investment returns, and may be more lenient with credit requirements.

Property Type Diversity: Real estate investors often work with diverse property types, from single-family homes to multifamily buildings. Non-QM lenders can offer mortgage solutions tailored to the specific property and investment strategy.

Real Estate Funding Solutions: Your Trusted Non-QM Lender

Real Estate Funding Solutions has established itself as a premier non-QM lender, offering a wide range of mortgage solutions tailored to real estate investors’ unique needs. Here’s why they should be your top choice:

Expertise in Real Estate: Real Estate Funding Solutions understands the intricacies of real estate investment, especially in the dynamic markets of [Specify Your Location]. Their local expertise allows them to provide insights into the market and its potential opportunities.

Competitive Mortgage Rates: The company offers competitive mortgage rates for non QM loans, allowing investors to maximize their return on investment and keep their financing costs in check.

Personalized Financing: Real Estate Funding Solutions takes a personalized approach to understand your investment goals, risk tolerance, and financial objectives. They work with you to design loan terms that match your needs and strategy.

Efficiency and Speed: In real estate, time is of the essence. Real Estate Funding Solutions prioritizes efficiency, ensuring that you can access the funds you need promptly, enabling you to act swiftly on investment opportunities.


For real estate investors seeking flexibility, competitive mortgage rates, and tailored financing solutions, non-QM lenders like Real Estate Funding Solutions are the go-to choice. Their expertise, commitment to personalized service, and efficient processing make them an invaluable partner in your real estate investment journey. Whether you’re looking to buy and hold, fix and flip, or invest in multifamily properties, Real Estate Funding Solutions has the expertise and mortgage rates to help you achieve your investment goals. Contact them today to explore your non-QM lending options and pave the way to financial success in the real estate market.

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