Finding hard money loan lenders near you can be a challenging task. Although the loans are approved quickly and are incredibly flexible, finding a lender that has your best interests in mind is tricky. Also, you can find so many companies offering similar services when you look at your hard money lenders near me searches. So, who should you choose, what factors to consider, and when to close the deal – here we answer all your questions.
Who Is A Hard Money Lender?
A hard money lender provides financing not on the basis of your creditworthiness but on the underlying asset being financed. They are more interested in knowing how likely you are to repay your loan depending on the property you may be borrowing against. The type of financing option they offer majorly helps investors fund their next investment. Hard money loans obtained by reliable lenders are useful for financing rentals, multi-family homes, fix-and-flips, and commercial properties.
The average hard money interest rate in 2023 can range from 8 – 15% depending on your deal and the chosen lender. But that is where it gets complicated – how do you find the right lenders who can get you the best deal? The Real Estate Funding Solutions experts will help make it easy for you. Keep these tips in mind to choose a legitimate hard money lender for you:
Ask For Referrals
Ask friends, family, and acquaintances in the real estate industry if they know any reputable hard money lenders in your area. Make a list and start contacting those you believe may be reliable.
Check Online Directories
Look up “hard money lenders near me” online. You shall be able to see a good number of service providers listed on online directories like Yelp, Google, or Angie’s List. You can also check specialized directories like, or even Craigslist.
Attend Real Estate Networking Events
Attend local real estate networking events and conferences to meet hard money lenders in person. This can give you an opportunity to establish strong and positive relationships with lenders that can benefit you in the future.
Contact a Real Estate Agent
Reach out to local real estate agents and brokers. They may have connections to hard money lenders in your area. Plus, teaming up with a real estate agent can give you better direction on the property you may be considering investing in.
Try Social Media
Check out social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Facebook to see if any hard money lenders in your area have a presence on these platforms. You may also find online groups dedicated to hard money lending solutions that can provide you with information on lenders in your area.
Factors to Consider When Finalizing a Lender
Since not all hard money lenders may be created equal, it is important to narrow your choices. Once you have a list of lenders, look at their track records online and start calling them. But remember, you will have to look into a few crucial things before finalizing the deal. So, here are the things to consider to find the lender who will serve your needs and wants the best:
When evaluating an expert in the hard money lenders near me searches, it is essential to assess their reputation. So, conduct thorough research and read reviews from other borrowers. It can help you determine whether or not they are easy to work with, provide customer satisfaction, and have a quick approval process.
Flexibility is another factor worth considering when choosing a hard money lender. A reputable and flexible lender should be willing and committed to working with you personally. They must be competent to provide a tailored experience that fits your unique needs.
In addition to reputation and flexibility, the speed at which the lender can approve and fund your deal is also significant. Different lenders can have varying processing times, so it is essential to inquire and obtain a clear answer about the turnaround time on the loan.
You will also want to examine the rate of interest and terms of the loan for better decision-making. These can vary widely among New York lenders, with some offering highly competitive rates while others are more expensive. Comparing rates and terms across multiple lenders before securing a deal is advisable.
It is essential to recognize the fact that hard money loans pose a risk not only to the lender but also to the borrower. Given their high-interest rates and short repayment terms, these loans can become challenging to repay if the underlying property fails to generate expected profits.
Like other options, hard money loans also come with a fee. Common ones include origination, broker, application, underwriting, document preparation, processing, and funding fee. So, make sure you know about these to find the best out of your hard money lenders near me searches.
Over To You!
There can be so many hard money lenders in the market, all claiming to offer the best financial products. So it isn’t that easy to find a legit service provider to fit your needs perfectly. To avoid falling prey to crooks, ensure you are analyzing the lender’s market reputation and credibility. Understand their interest rates, related fees, customer support, and terms to make an informed decision. If you are satisfied with their policies, go ahead and begin the process.
Looking For a Trustworthy Hard Money Lender in NY? We Can Help.
If you have decided to finalize a hard money loan for your future investment, you must seek a lender you can build a long-term relationship with and who can keep your best interests in mind. At Real Estate Funding Solutions, we are reputable hard money lenders ourselves, headquartered in New York. If you have any questions or concerns and would want to give our services a try, we are just a quick call away. Contact our team at 855-913-8637 for help.